Tuesday, November 1, 2011

America offline is now some what not acceptable. Internet is a "must have" not a "lucky to have." Digital divide is what separates the people who use internet with people that find information physically. People can use or access more information than others. Innovations are usually the better product than the one before.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I must use good manners with good etiquette.
I conduct the way I am.
They treated me with courtesy.
I have flame from my enemy.
Trolls are not right.
The person remained anonymous.
The emoticon was a mad face.
The person was obvious.
The writing tone was british.
His belief was very ethical.
Although it was convincing he was unethical.
We thought what he was doing was wrong but it was legal.
I finished thanks to the SMS.
I found a good link with boolean search.
Ms. HinoJosa's URL is mypdtp.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ETIQUETTE-The proper behavior in the internet is what I must be able to follow while being online.
CONDUCT-Personal behavior in the way you act.
COURTESY-An honest act of a courteous expression.
FLAME-An attack of unwanted verbal comments to a person online.
TROLL-Posting gossip, pictures, and/or bad comments in a chat room to get others to agree or see.
ANONYMOUS-An unknown identity to the public.
EMOTICON-A face to show emotion with a message.
OBVIOUS-To understand clearly.
TONE-The manner of writing.
SMS-This stands for Systems Management Server.
ETHICAL-This is a branch of philosophy which addresses questions about mortality.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Evaluate Reflection 4
This is the final part of the design cycle where you can test the product and to survey the student(s) about the design cycle. If the surveys were a success then the product was a success. If they weren't a success then you have to find the flaws and evaluate.

In the beginning you usually evaluate what you think is wrong before the test.
Create Reflection 4
This is usually the fun part where you actually make the product with techniques. Create is literally physical work to make the solution instead of thinking of the plan or problem. In create, the first step is to follow your plan to stay on track.
Design Reflection 3
While planing the product I must design the product on how it will look like and how it might work. The game has to make sense in a way that the student can understand, but do not get plan, design and investigate mixed up they are different.
Plan Reflection 2
Before the test I must make a plan or structure to keep the project on track and to be able to organize it. So we have to make a graph to manage time and designs. I rate every game designer that I can use and be able to use in my product.
Investigate Reflection 1
In my game the person must learn the design cycle. The 6th grader does not know what the design cycle is, at all so its my job to teach him/her what it is. My product is going to have to teach the student with my game. If the can learn it then my project was successful and the problem is filled. So far the the investigation is done.

The project must be anything that can teach the student.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Okay so the project was not a video but the next one will be. So I made a game about the design cycle in the link. I must get 6th graders to test the product then to if they understood the design cycle. The game has 10 questions in total, so the person has to be able to get to every answer in the game. The game is like a rip off of mario and is cheap. It is easy to get through and fun.

My Game

Click this link to go to my game

Friday, September 23, 2011

      I will make a video about how to under stand the design cycle but with action and all that adventure stuff. The format of the video will be like as if it were a gameplay not a walkthrough. So it will seem as if a video game player was playing a game.
     The video will start with someone who could not learn the design cycle and right before he can learn it from a friend, the friend leaves to his/her next class and you must learn the design cycle by the end of the day. So the gameplay then starts with the boy in the class room and gets out to find any one who knows the design cycle, but no luck yet so he has to go to his next class, gym. While in gym, changing, he meets a person knows the design cycle but in order for the person to tell you the information you have to fight him first. When he is defeated he only gives you a portion of the cycle. After gym class the character still have to find out the rest of the cycle.
         Its geometry (the next class) and you interrupt the class so you get West Wing (a punishment). The person you ask gives your first weapon a metal ruler. Next is lunch so the character can look for additional weapons or help. After lunch someone comes to the character to 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My first idea was to make a film and it will still be a film but maybe about a game. I don't know all I know is that it will be a video. With or without action  I don't know but I will do this project.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Flipbook is given a 4 for theme because it can show everything with its flashy pictures.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Copy & paste into your blog and add to each stage as you progress through your project
Area of Interaction: Community and Service , Approaches to Learning & Human Ingenuity
Significant Concept: Design Cycle can be used to solve problems
Unit Question: How can my learning help my community? How do I make Sound Choices?
INVESTIGATE: (Write in complete sentences) Identify the Problem
1. What is the problem you need to solve? Explain to a 6th grader what the design cycle is all about by creating a presentation. (3d, PPT, movie, game, Poster)
A:Either a 3D model or a movie.
2. How does the Design Cycle apply to the real world?
3. How will this project serve my community?
4. How can my learning help my community?
5. How do we live in relation to each other?
6. How does this help others?
7. What are the requirements for this assignment?
8. What is the Design Cycle?
REFLECT on your learning.
Day 2
9. Spend one day experimenting with DESIGN CYCLE your presentation. List five things your learned about the Design Cycle:
Day 3
Design Brief
10. Write a short statement of what you are going to make, why you are going to make it, and for whom you are making it.
Formulate a Design Specification
11. What are the requirements for this assignment?
12. What are the limitations you have with this assignment?
13. How will you "test" your presentation?
14. Brainstorm ideas. Use the chart below
IB Brainstorming Chart .pdf found in schoology under “materials”& then files
15. What idea did you choose to demonstrate the design cycle and why did you choose it?
16. Does your idea meet all of the requirements?
17. Use the story board paper below to plan your presentation.  Include how many levels you will have, what will be on each level, how will you include teaching skills to young students, and what will your questions be about.
story board.pdf found in schoology under “materials” & then files.
18. Explain how you will use your time to get your project finished in 12 days:
REFLECT on your learning
20. How could you improve your presentation?
21. Does your presentation meet all of the requirements?
22. Share your presentation with at least 2-8th, 3-9th, 4-10th+ friends. What did he/she like about your presentation?
23. Reflect on all the steps of the Design Cycle. What did you do well? What do you need to improve?
24. Were you responsible in using the software, Internet, pictures, and computer?
25. How can my learning help my community?
26. What grade do you deserve on this project? (1 - 6)

27. Reflect on your attitude on each step of the Design Cycle. Did you completely answer each step without complaining, being a whiny baby, or saying "it's too hard". Explain your answer:
28. What grade do you deserve on your attitude? (1 - 6)